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Diam. 4 mm.
PACK M.100
Thickness mm. 0.8
Approximate weight of sheet kg. 1.500
Diameter mm. 8
Diameter mm. 1
Skeins 200 m.
Diameter mm. 0.8
Height mm. 15
Height mm. 25
Height mm. 30
Height mm. 19
Height mm. 12
PACK: 10 x 50 m rolls
Height mm. 10
A.W.G. 20
Section mm2 0.61
PACK 250 M.
Section mm2: 0.75
PACK 100 MT.
PACK 100 M
Section mm2: 0.34
Conductor diam.max mm. 0.8
External diam. mm. 1.60+-0.05
Voltage rating V 450/750
PACKING: 100 m skeins
Development mm. 12
PACK 100 m.
Inside diameter before the constriction mm. 19
Inside diameter max after the constriction mm. 6
Panel thickness 2.2
Colour: trasparent
Working temp.: 175°C
Stoving time: 1h air or 30 min. 150°C
Pack: 5 KG.
Capacity LT.: 5,25
Thinner DE.200
Colour: transparent
Working temp. 165°C
Stoving time: 4h 135°C or 1h 160°C
PACK KG.: 20
Capacity Lt.: 21,00
Working temp. 180°C
Stoving time: 2h 120°C or 4h 135°C
Lt. capacity 22,40
Thinner DE.205
Colour: Red
Working temp.: 160°C
Stoving time: 30 min. air
Pack Kg: 5
Lt. capacity: 5
Thinner: DE.200
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